This work is about power game. I started with the research about what power means to us, how sometimes people can use love and sex as a tool to play with power. Do we need to be able to control everything in order to feel that we are powerful? How do we use the power to manipulate others to achieve our personal goals? What's the dark side of the human being, what's the weakness of our soul?
Four different characters in this theatrical/dramatic piece give the audience different perspectives to see how they find each own way to gain it's power before something unexpected happens.

Choreographer: Min Li
Performer: Chiara Mezzadri, Ralitza Malehounova, Leslie Humbert, Maxime Lachaume
Costume design: Min Li
Lighting design: Min Li
Music: Tnaya Cai
Phtot: Bryndis Ragna Brynjolfsdottir